
We take the time to understand your business needs. That is why at the end we are able to craft a personalised payroll solution that perfectly suits your company needs.
Focus on your business and avoid all the payroll hassles.

Learn more about

our customer journey

As your business grows and you add new employees, more benefits, and open up shop in other locations, managing payroll can become unwieldy. Take a look at our customer journey that helps you to understand how we work.




Sending Payroll Data

The required payroll data must be sent by the client/customer to our team. Then, data is being processed by our team.


Sending Result

After our team processes the data, we will send the result report (softcopy draft) to our client. The result contains data for approval. At this time our client will check and confirm the approval.


Approval Confirmation

If approval is OK
We will receive the approval & instructions to go via email and go to stage 2 (execution phase).

If approval is NOT OK

If there is something to be revised, we will receive the email correction instruction and update the corrections asap.


Payroll Fund Submission

At this stage we will submit the payroll fund data to be processed.


Payroll Fund Providence 

Clients need to inform the Payroll fund providence. We will process the bank Transfer.


Bank Transfer to Employee

The ABS Payroll  Team will process the bank transfer to the employee following the fund submission.


Printing reports & Payslips

We will send the report by printing and digital E-Payslips.


BPJS & PPH21 Fund Submission

We prepare the BPJS & PPH21 Fund Submission to our client.


BPJS & PPH21 Fund Providence

Clients need to inform the Payroll fund providence. We will process the bank Transfer.


Bank Transfer & Report to BPJS

Our team will process the payment and reporting to BPJS.


Bank Transfer & Report to Tax Office

Our team will process the payment and report to the Tax Office.


Filing the Original Receipt of BPJS & Tax office

At this final step the clients need  to filing the original receipt of BPJS & Tax Office.